KEYS AND KEYWAYS There are approximately 100 reported cases per year of partial or total tail shaft failure and 200 reported cases of lost props. Causes of this are quoted as inadequate force fit between prop and tailshaft causing loss of peripheral grip which allows prop to move and make contact with key. This causes excessive dynamic load to fall on key and shaft adjacent to keyway. This causes incipient cracks (small and superficial ) which usually begin at high stress concentration areas i.e. around the leading edge of the keywayThese fatigue failures may be corrosion N.B. Temperature variations in sea water can alter the force fits
Tailshaft keys and keyways
KEYS AND KEYWAYS There are approximately 100 reported cases per year of partial or total tail shaft failure and 200 reported cases of lost props. Causes of this are quoted as inadequate force fit between prop and tailshaft causing loss of peripheral grip which allows prop to move and make contact with key. This causes excessive dynamic load to fall on key and shaft adjacent to keyway. This causes incipient cracks (small and superficial ) which usually begin at high stress concentration areas i.e. around the leading edge of the keywayThese fatigue failures may be corrosion N.B. Temperature variations in sea water can alter the force fits